Article in Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 26(1):65-72 · June 2015 with 44 Reads
Homatula change, a new nemacheilid loach from the upper Black River basin in Yunnan, China (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)
Marco Endruweit at Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, Kunming, Yunnan, China
Homatula change, new species, is described from the Mengyejiang River, upper Black River basin, Yunnan, China. It is distinguished from its congeners by a evenly scaled body; a lower jaw with a median incision; dorsal adipose crest reaching forward to a vertical through posterior end of anal-fin base; and a color pattern of 20-22 dark gray-brownish, irregularly split, oblique bars on light gray background with some bars having multiple furcations.
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