Zoosyst. Evol. 94 (2) 2018, 495–504 | DOI 10.3897/zse.94.29718
Diversity and conservation of seasonal killifshes of the Hypsolebias fulminantis complex from a Caatinga semiarid upland plateau, São Francisco River basin, northeastern Brazil (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae)
Wilson J.E.M. Costa1, Pedro F. Amorim1, José Leonardo O. Mattos1 1 Laboratory of Systematics and Evolution of Teleost Fishes, Institute of Biology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68049, CEP 21941-971, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil http://zoobank.org/6ED9D33E-EB4B-4E84-BBFB-B0E1BCF6A4DE Corresponding author: Wilson J.E.M. Costa (wcosta@acd.ufrj.br)
A high concentration of endemic species of seasonal killifshes has been recorded for a small area encompassing the highland plateaus associated with the upper section of the Carnaúba de Dentro River drainage and adjacent drainages of the middle section of the São Francisco River basin, northeastern Brazil. The present study is primarily directed to the taxonomy of the H. fulminantis species complex in this region, and describes habitat decline and extirpation of natural killifsh populations recorded in feld studies between 1993 and 2017. Both morphological characters and molecular species delimitation meth- ods using single-locus models (GMYC and bPTP) support recognition of two closely related endemic species, H. fulminantis and H. splendissimus Costa, sp. n. The new spe- cies is distinguished from other congeners of the H. fulminantis complex by having a red pectoral fn in males, well-developed flamentous rays on the tips of the dorsal and anal fns in adult males, and the second proximal radial of the dorsal fn between the neural spines of the 8th and 9th vertebrae in males. Most recent feld inventories indicated possible local extinction of populations of H. fulminantis and H. splendissimus in the studied area, but additional feld studies should be made in other parts of the upper Carnaíba de Dentro River basin to evaluate the current conservation status of these species.
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