Garra dampaensis, a new ray-finned fish species (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Mizoram, northeastern India
S. Lalronunga, Lalnuntluanga, Lalramliana
Garra dampaensis, a new cyprinid fish species, is described from the Seling River, a tributary of the Khawthlang Tuipui (Karnaphuli River), in Mizoram, India. The species can be distinguished from all other Garra species, except G. abhoyai, G. lissorhynchus, G. nambulica, G. paralissorhynchus and G. rupecula by the presence of a distinct W-shaped black band on the caudal fin. It can be distinguished from the above mentioned five species in having scales on the breast and belly, shorter vent to anal distance, and by having fewer lateral line scales (27-29 vs. more than 29 in all other species). A key to the species of Garra in the Lissorhynchus complex is provided.