Zoosyst. Evol. 94 (2) 2018, 547–556 | DOI 10.3897/zse.94.29115
Austrolebias queguay (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae), a new species of annual killifsh endemic to the lower Uruguay river basin
Wilson S. Serra1,2,3, Marcelo Loureiro1,2 1 Sección Ictiología, Dpto. de Zoología, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, CC. 399, CP. 11000, Montevideo, Uruguay 2 Laboratorio Zoología de Vertebrados, Dpto. de Ecología y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República. Iguá 4225. CP 11400. Montevideo, Uruguay 3 Centro Universitario Regional del Este (CURE) - Sede Rocha, Ruta 15 y Ruta 9, Rocha, Uruguay http://zoobank.org/8C3910B4-027A-4006-AB61-B167542EF51E Corresponding author: Marcelo Loureiro (marcnagual@gmail.com)
In this article we describe a new species of the annual fsh genus Austrolebias from the lower Uruguay river basin. The fusion of the urogenital papilla to the frst anal fn ray in males and the pigmentation pattern, indicates a close relationship with the clade formed by A. bellottii, A. melanoorus, and A. univentripinnis. The new species can be diferentiat- ed from those by the following combination of characters: presence of well-defned light bands contrasting with the sides of the body, the distal portion of the anal fn dark gray, pelvic fns dark bluish green and bases united at about 50–80% on their medial margins, pectoral fns with iridescent blue sub-marginal band, and general coloration of body blu- ish green. The new species can only be found in wetlands of the Queguay river, an area included in the Uruguayan protected areas system and represents so far the only annual fsh species endemic to the lower Uruguay river basin.
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