Forum für Killifische, Cichliden und Welse - KCW-Forum
Erstbeschreibungen von Killifischen
Sechs neue Chromaphyosemion Arten aus Gabun Chromaphyosemion fammulatum, Chromaphyosemion barakoniense, Chromaphyosemion pusillum, Chromaphyosemion aurantiacum, Chromaphyosemion rubrogaster und Chromaphyosemion flavocyaneum CHIRIRO, LEGROS & AGNESE 2018
European Journal of Taxonomy 471: 1–28 ISSN 2118-9773 2018 · Agnèse J.-F. et al. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. R e s e a r c h a r t i c l e
Unexpected discovery of six new species of Aphyosemion (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae) in the Wonga-Wongué Presidential Reserve in Gabon
Jean-François AGNÈSE 1,*, Laurent CHIRIO 2, Olivier LEGROS 3, Richard OSLISLY 4 & Hervé Mvé BHÉ 5 1 ISEM, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier, IRD, EPHE, Montpellier, France. 2 14, rue des Roses, 06130 Grasse, France. 3 Floralaan 51, 1501 Buizingen, Belgium. 4 Patrimoines Locaux et Gouvernance UMR 208, IRD, MNHN, Paris, France. 4 Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux (ANPN), BP 20379, Libreville, Gabon. 5 Institut de Recherches Agronomiques et Forestières (IRAF), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifque et Technologique (CENAREST), BP 2246, Libreville, Gabon. * Corresponding author: 2 Email: 3 Email: 4 Email: 5 Email: 1 2 3 4 5
During a survey of the fshes in the region of the Wonga-Wongué Presidential Reserve, 14 new populations of the subgenus Chromaphyosemion Myers, 1924 were found. These observations extend the previously known distribution range of the subgenus 120 kilometres southward. None of these populations could be related to any described species. Based on the colouration of the males and females, together with a genetic marker (mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences), the populations studied are grouped into six new species which are described in this article, all close to Aphyosemion alpha Huber, 1998 with which they share the presence of a black alpha-shaped mark on the pre- and post-opercular region. The group composed of A. alpha and the six new species is referred to here as the A. alpha species group. All the new species, A. aurantiacum Chirio, Legros & Agnèse sp. nov., A. barakoniense Chirio, Legros & Agnèse sp. nov., A. fammulatum Chirio, Legros & Agnèse sp. nov., A. favocyaneum Chirio, Legros & Agnèse sp. nov., A. pusillum Chirio, Legros & Agnèse sp. nov. and A. rubrogaster Chirio, Legros & Agnèse sp. nov., are further unambiguously diagnosed by unique combinations of colour patterns, making it possible to generate an identifcation key for the A. alpha species group. It is likely that the coastal dunes of Wonga-Wongué that form a sandy relief, could have led to the fragmentation and then isolation of the hydrographical networks that fow into the Atlantic Ocean, making possible a signifcant number of allopatric speciations.
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